
This essay contest was first held in 1991 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Environment Agency.

The second contest was held in conjunction with the Environmental Summit in Brazil. Children from Brazil were invited to apply for the contest in 1992.

The Prince Takamado Prize was inaugurated in 1994. In addition to the Award ceremony, the first Asian Children’s Conference was also held. Their opinions were put into “Children’s Agenda 21”, and the representatives of the children handed it to Mr. Miyashita, director-general of Japan’s Environmental Agency.

Prince Takamado assumed the position of honorary president of the Essay Contest.

From 1997 the Poster Contest was also organized. In addition to attend the Asian Children’s Conference, the winners also took a study tour of environmental facilities.

In 1998, the Environment Agency Director-General Award for poster contest was inaugurated.

The Prince Takamado Award for poster contest was inaugurated in 1999.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government designated the Children of the Earth’s Club as a Non Profit Organization in November 2000.

In 2003, Princess Takamado succeeded her late husband’s role and was installed as the honorary president of the Essay and Poster Contest.

In 2007, Corporate Awards were inaugurated.

In 2008, Prime Minister Award, Foreign Minister Award, and Education Minister Award were also inaugurated.